Finding adventure in the Northeast since 2001.
Who We are
What is adventure Racing?
Adventure racing is one of the few sports where just completing a race is considered a victory. It allows runners, hikers, climbers, bikers, and paddlers to participate and compete in new and challenging events. The traditional disciplines of an adventure race are mountain biking, paddling and trekking; all including land navigation using a compass (No GPS!). Large expedition races can take up to 10 days to complete, while sprint races can last from 3 – 6 hours. Adventure racing not only challenges the body but the mind as well. Competitors must always travel together as a team, putting an emphasis on teamwork rather than individual achievement..
Our Mission
NYARA is an organization whose purpose is to serve adventure athletes in the northeastern US and to promote and foster the sport in any way we can. NYARA is made up of athletes with a variety of backgrounds and race experience, from newcomers to veterans and from casual racers to the northeast's top teams.
Our Partners
We are happy to work with and be supported by the following organizations.